
Miniband Glute Activation

I mean who doesn't want a nice... (ass)et. As a runner, miniband glute activation is basically PT and we all need more of that. As a strength trainer, miniband glute activation is key to fire up your muscles before heavy lifting or as a burn out at the end of a set. Tightening your glutes has so many benefits, which I think would make a great future blog post. For now, I will share some miniband exercises that you can do at home, on the road, or in the gym.

Equipment needed: Minidband

Workout time: 20 minutes

Format: Perform each move for approximately 30 seconds. Repeat or move on to the next move. The point is to activate the glutes, not exhaust. These are great move to perform prior to a lower body/leg day.

Instagram demo here.

Move 1: Banded Glute Bridge
Place band above your knees.  Lie on your back, with knees bent and heels firmly planted on the ground.  Inhale then squeeze your bum as you lift your hips off the floor. Exhale as you lower.  

1) Play with tempo: lift for 1 count and lower for 3 or 1:1 ratio or static hold for 30 sec at the top.
2) Play with pulses: as you lift & squeeze add a pulse at the top or pulse your knees out in an abduction at the top of the bridge.
3) Play with unilateral versus bilateral work: try a single leg option with leg extended or cross one foot over the opposite knee for more support.
4) Play with your foot positioning: start with your heels close to your bum or walk them out further away, alternatively bring the soles of your feet together to butterfly your knees out (frogger pump for the win).
5) Play with resistance: add another band to make it harder or add a heavy weight on your hips

Move 2: Banded Clamshell
Place band above your knees.  Lie on your side, with knees bent and feet stacked.  Inhale then drive your top knee up, resisting the band.  Exhale and slowly return to starting position. Switch sides.

1) Play with tempo: lift for 1 count and lower for 3 or 1:1 ratio.
2) Play with pulses: as you lift & squeeze add a pulse at the top or maintain resistance without lowering and pulse at the top for 30 sec.  
3) Make it even harder: lift your lower hip off the ground in a modified plank, driving your lower knee into the ground as you execute.

Move 3: Banded Fire Hydrant or Scorpion
Place band above your knees.  Start in table top position on hands and knees with neutral spine.  For fire hydrant: Drive knee out 90 degrees to hip height, then lower down.
For scorpion: Drive the sole of your foot toward the ceiling, as if you were stamping it.  Then lower down.  

As above, you can play with tempo, add a light dumbbell tucked behind the knee, or even alternate the two moves.  

Move 4: Banded Bear Hold with Knee Abduction
Place band above your knees.  Start in table top position on hands and knees with neutral spine.
Inhale and lift knees an inch or two off the ground, continue to hold this elevation and pulse your knees in and out.  As you exhale, keep your core engaged.  Hold for 30 sec.

Move 5: Banded Squat with Knee Abduction
Place band above your knees.  Start standing with feet hip-width apart, maintain resistance on band by driving your knees out.  Inhale and squat down with weight in your heels, add an abduction of your knees outward at the bottom of the squat.  Exhale and continue to drive knees out as you stand.  

1) Play with tempo: lower for 3 counts and lift for 1 or 1:1 ratio or static hold for 30 sec at the bottom.
2) Play with pulses: as you lower & add the knee drive increase the #of pulses
3) Play with movement: Squat and shuffle 2 steps to the right or left.  Alternatively, add a jump at the top.  
4) Play with resistance: add another band to make it harder or hold a heavy weight in a goblet stance.